xbox 360 secondary error code 0031

xbox 360 secondary error code 0031
FAQ: Xbox 360 Error Codes Explained - Scenyx 360 secondary error code 0031
FAQ: Xbox 360 Error Codes Explained, If you have an error code.THINGS TO TRY. Make sure that the AV cable is correctly connected to the Xbox 360 console.. Check the secondary Error Code per the instructions in the section below. THINGS TO TRY .. 0031 See Error E13 0032 (not yet.
Apr 9, 2011. and i checked the secondary error code and it was 0031 It wont boot up. Xbox 360 JTAG Game Modding, Xbox 360 JTAG Support & Guides.
May 30, 2011. The Xbox360 Hardware Talk Discuss About Xbox360 Hardware Here.. And turned it on to test, and bang 3 RROL secondary code 0031. Now, I had this .. Because I just removed it completely and still the same error code.
xbox 360 error code 0020, 3rings. is there a fix? please let me know Hi! It has been xclamped did have 0020 then 0031. try takin a...error code 0020 fix red ring of death secondary error code 0020. i replaced the thermal.

RROD xbox 360 fan help, whats going on?? - AfterDawn: Forums.
Xbox 360 Error Code Guide [Known Fixes and Descriptions to all.
Nov 16, 2010. How to tell what error code your Xbox360 has (credits to uncle Az): Turn the ... E -Code / Secondary Error code: E13 (No Audio/Video) / 0031.
. cause 3 rrod? Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Support' started by Loco Hosa, Apr 23, 2011.. Secondary error code is 0031 btw. Loco Hosa, Apr 23.
Secondary error code fix? - The Tech Game.
Scenyx Entertainment Community > FAQ: Xbox 360 Error Codes.
Xbox 360 Error Codes Explained and How to Fix Them | Page 9.