how do you interlock dreads

Dreadlock Truth - interlock problem on new dreads.
how do you interlock dreads
Knotlocks - YouTube.Page 1 of comments on How to Interlock your dreads - YouTube.
how do you interlock dreads
Interlock Dreads Photos from JordansMommie (JordansMommie) went to a salon to start mmy dreads (uh-oh) had them backcombed and what I now know is interlocked, kinda tied in uneven knots, no wax or anything added.
How to Make Dreadlocks with Interlocks, Latch-Hook | naani's naturals.
so went to a salon to start mmy dreads (uh-oh) had them backcombed and what I now know is interlocked, kinda tied in uneven knots, no wax or anything added.
Page 1 of comments on 43 Month Update [Interlock Dreads] - YouTube.
Nov 9, 2009. so went to a salon to start mmy dreads (uh-oh) had them backcombed and what I now know is interlocked, kinda tied in uneven knots, no wax.
Jan 15, 2012. How to Interlock Locs/Dreadlocks. Interlocking is the process of maintaining the new growth of one's locs by knotting/tightening the roots of of.
Latch-hooking has become a popular maintenance method for dreadlocks. Latch -hooking, once mastered, is an easy way to maintain most dreadlock'd styles.
Apr 29, 2013. Installation of dreads using interlock method- $100 for medium locks $150 for small. Installation of Microlocks $300 for 3-5 inches of hair (price.
![43 Month Update [Interlock Dreads]. by KNOTLOCKS • 1,515 views. Waddup YouTube World! It's been 43 Months since I started this dreadlock journey. Join me.](
Page 1 of comments on 43 Month Update [Interlock Dreads] - YouTube.